Use the loading systems as instructed below. You may load up to 10 items on a single CTU or combined on more CTU's.


LQ/EQ: Limited quantities and exempted quantities

Flp: Flash point. Check - If flash point < 23 C

MP: Marine Pollutant

CTU Closed: Check - If completely covered by rigid sides and top.




 Note: EMS can be viewed using the link for Fire or Spillage.


 Guest Option (User = Custom, Password = Cus2022)

Guest are able to use 11 different ship types with predefined Document of Compliance as well as various modes of transport according to below list. Chose the correct one which fit your ship properties in below list.

Ship Type MOU (M) IMDG (I) LWHA (L)

Weather Deck (W)

Open/Closed RO-RO deck (C) Flashpoint <23 (X) flashpoint =>23 MOU9 (Wurtsburg version) (9)
1    [MLW] X   X X        
2   [MLCX] X   X   X X    
3     [MLC] X   X   X   X  
4 [MLCX9] X   X   X X   X
5      [MW] X     X        
6     [MCX] X       X X    
7       [MC] X       X   X  
8   [MCX9] X       X X   X
9       [IW]   X   X        
10     [ICX]   X     X X    
11       [IC]   X     X   X  


 MOU = Memorandum Of Understanding.

LWHA = Low Wave Height Area according to MOU

MOU9 = Ships, which have a Letter Of Compliance with a §7 permit according to the former Memorandum Of Understanding.